Friday, May 23, 2008

19 Cats + 1 Dog = a Big Mess

So today i had to drop of my mom and my sisters for Lovisa's volleyball tournament. I have to admit, i was kind of moody because I would be left completely alone for the holiday.
Anyways, when i got home to the 20 animals that dwell at my house, I found that someone had gone through the trash and all over the floor i found, not only trash, but also paint (earlier that day I had been painting for a little project that I am working on and there was a bit of extra paint that i had thrown out). Frustrated and still moody i was scrubbing the kitchen floor for about 15 minutes. I walked out to the living room to find part of the guilty party sitting on the sofa, enjoying the scraps from old cat food cans.

I thought this was one of the funniest things i have ever seen and I still have no idea how he actually carried the cans from the kitchen to the living room.

I knew Chester had not acted alone in tearing the trash apart and spreading the paint on the floor. I didn't have to look far to find this:

Vanja, next time you attempt to do something your not supposed to, maybe you should try not to be so obvious.

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