Wednesday, May 28, 2008


I created this book about one month ago and i decided that maybe I should post it anyways.

Although you may not be able to see it anymore, the album is actually made out of macaroni packages. All i did was to cut out the form that i wanted and then paint it several times to make the original color not show through.

This was a gift and the point was that they should be able to add photos as they wished.

I left the windows open so that when the photos could show through.

Friday, May 23, 2008

19 Cats + 1 Dog = a Big Mess

So today i had to drop of my mom and my sisters for Lovisa's volleyball tournament. I have to admit, i was kind of moody because I would be left completely alone for the holiday.
Anyways, when i got home to the 20 animals that dwell at my house, I found that someone had gone through the trash and all over the floor i found, not only trash, but also paint (earlier that day I had been painting for a little project that I am working on and there was a bit of extra paint that i had thrown out). Frustrated and still moody i was scrubbing the kitchen floor for about 15 minutes. I walked out to the living room to find part of the guilty party sitting on the sofa, enjoying the scraps from old cat food cans.

I thought this was one of the funniest things i have ever seen and I still have no idea how he actually carried the cans from the kitchen to the living room.

I knew Chester had not acted alone in tearing the trash apart and spreading the paint on the floor. I didn't have to look far to find this:

Vanja, next time you attempt to do something your not supposed to, maybe you should try not to be so obvious.

Monday, May 19, 2008


On Saturday we had our graduation at school.
Thankfully, it did not rain until after the whole ceremony was over, and even though it was mainly cloudy, I still got really sunburned haha, figures!

Nice picture right :-P

Mike is now completely done with undergrad, but still has another two years for his masters!
I still have a while until i graduate :-)


Sunday, May 18, 2008


So this is my first post, well i still have to figure out how this all works.
For now, here is a picture of my kitten Majken!